1. Zoran Popović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics, Serbia
2. Tatjana Vuković, Physics Faculty, Serbia
3. Bozidar Nikolic, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
4. Milan Damnjanović, Physics Faculty, Serbia
5. Ivanka Milošević, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Experimentally is confirmed that helically coiled carbon
nanotube (HCCNT) could be used as a small solenoid for generating
spatially localized magnetic field. Current distribution during
diffusive electron transport followed by electron-phonon scattering
likewise inductivity of this quantum conductor depends on electric
field. Despite slightly lower electron mobility in HCCNTs compared to
straight single wall carbon nanotubes, coiled nanotubes are attractive
for application as nonlinear nano-solenoids. Non-equilibrium electron
distribution functions derived as solutions of Boltzmann transport
equation are used to predict average helical radius of current flow as a
function of electric field intensity. Qualitative prediction of
nonlinear inductivity of HCCNT is given.
Thematic field:
SYMPOSIUM A - Science of matter, condensed matter and physics of solid states
Date of abstract submission:
Contemporary Materials 2017 - Savremeni Materijali