1. Gregor Jeromel, Premogovnik Velenje d.d., Slovenia
2. Bojan Lajlar, Premogovnik Velenje d.d., Slovenia
3. Boris Sotler, Premogovnik Velenje d.d., Slovenia
4. Janez Mayer, Premogovnik Velenje d.d., Slovenia
The history of rock bursts in Coal Mine Velenje has a long tradition. Rock burst is defined as a dynamic phenomenon where large amount of energy is released from surrounding rock affecting both surface and mine infrastructure. Rock bursts can be felt on the surface as ground vibrations while in the mine they result as sudden closure of roadways, interruption of mine ventilation and injuries of miners due to bumps. The reason for emergence of rock bursts is increased stress around mine roadways. Preventive measures are a result of systematic monitoring in the past and contain both measures for stress indication and controlled stress release.
Key words:
rock burst,seismicity,coal mine,preventive measures
Thematic field:
The logistics processes and environmental effects
Date of abstract submission:
7th Balkan Mining Congress